Your partner in British Dutch Business

Are you a company developing solutions in renewable energy or in climate tech? Then you should not miss our event on Business Opportunities in Scotland: Heat Pumps, Heat Networks and Green Hydrogen on 30th June 3 pm, in The Hague and enjoy our sustainably produced Scotch whisky at our Networking Apéro in collaboration with The Hague Business Agency, InnovationQuarter and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

Scotland has 25% of Europe’s wind resources that already today covers close to 100% of Scottish needs. But Scotland wants to do much more! Scotland wants to achieve net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 and export green energy.

During the session, we will take a deep-dive and explain why Scotland needs companies in the hydrogen production space with ambitions for volumes that will decarbonise all primary energy needs in Scotland, from heat for homes, to green derivatives for the industry. Scottish renewable energy production potential by far exceeds local consumption and the export of hydrogen can deliver a significant contribution to the energy transition and security of Europe.

Heat networks will play a key role in Scotland’s and the UK’s transition to low carbon heating, helping us meet our climate change targets and tackling fuel poverty, whilst creating exciting opportunities for companies like yours.

There is Statutory legislation to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030 and Scotland could potentially see 460,000 homes heated through renewable sources by 2030. Scottish Government are making £300 million available over the next parliamentary session to support the development and rollout of zero emission heat networks across Scotland.

Hear from Scottish Development International’s experts on the green hydrogen and low carbon heat opportunity, from PwC on why energy security is a driver for the energy transition, as well as from the Dutch company LH2Europe and the opportunities they have found in Scotland.

After the presentations there is the opportunity to have a personal conversation with our experts and to network with the other participants.

Come and join us!

Event Details

Theme: Doing business with Scotland with Minister Ivan McKee MSP, Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation for Scotland

Ivan McKee, Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise, Scottish Government

Adam Turner, Director, PwC

Peter Wells, CEO, LH2 Europe

Pauline Lucas, Policy Manager, Euroheat & Power

Meinolf Otto, Green Hydrogen Specialist, Scottish Development International (SDI)

Gordon Mclarnon, Renewable Heat Inward Investment Specialist, SDI

Katharina Kraehahn, Senior Business Development Executive Low Carbon & Digital Tech, SDI

Glasgow City Council, Sustainability Department, TBC

Date & Time:30/06/2022 15:00 CET - 18:00 CET

30/06/2022 14:00 BST - 17:00 BST

Location:Innovation Playground, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, 2521 EN Den Haag, Netherlands
Remarks:Spaces are limited and are offered on a first come first serve basis