Brand, Corporate Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability are converging, and strategically combined, a powerful force in driving business transformation and sustainable growth. This is what Anita van de Velde passionately believes in and what has shaped both her company DeVelde Leading Talent, a leader in specialist talent & organizational consultancy and executive search, and UNFOLD, the movement she founded and co-created alongside a group of global leaders in Corporate Affairs & ESG based in the Netherlands. As the NBCC we are proud that DeVelde Leading Talent has joined our NBCC Sustainability Forum as a Gold member.
A British citizen, Anita moved to the Netherlands in 2009 and has built a business with an international base of top talent. She brings extensive knowledge and expertise in executive search and talent consultancy, strengthened by her background in marketing and communications, gained agency and client side in the UK. As a business leader she is an active supporter of sustainability and champions gender equality and women in leadership. Read the full story of Develde Leading Talent and the UNFOLD movement using the link below.
As international experts in executive search and talent consultancy, DeVelde supports corporates, agencies and purpose-driven organizations globally, regionally and locally to create dynamic, diverse functions. With a success rate of 99,9%, Hogan certified, 22 years of experience and diversity at its core, DeVelde gives its best to its clients every day.
Anita van de Velde is Founder / Managing Director. She started her career in advertising in the UK in 1995 and, coming from an Indian cultural heritage, was one of the first women of colour in the industry. In a career spanning over 18+ years, Anita worked for a number of international networked agencies as well as client side as an integrated Communications strategist. In 2004, she was a founder member of the IPA Diversity Committee, responsible for bringing diversity to the fore in the UK advertising industry. She continues to support diversity and sustainability as a business leader. Anita founded DeVelde in 2015 as a ‘one stop' consultancy. Passionate about creating impact and enabling people, Anita has a track record in placing successful leaders and working together with them to craft the teams required to achieve their goals.
In 2020, Anita co-founded the UNFOLD movement alongside top Corporate Affairs leaders to positively shape the role of business in the world. UNFOLD unleashes the positive potential of Corporate Affairs through peer-to-peer learning, coaching and mentoring, engaging events, and exposure to C-suite executives from the broadest range of industries. The movement helps further the capabilities of talented individuals and their companies to excel in a changing world.
DeVelde is based on the two pillars of leading talent for organizations and for professionals.
- Leading talent for organizations:
The DeVelde bespoke end-to-end process is an accelerator for change and performance, going beyond search and selection to benefit both the business and team members at every stage of their development. By establishing diverse, talented teams that will thrive in distinct organizational cultures, DeVelde help craft functions into a powerful business driver, aligned with strategic goals and optimized for growth.
- Leading talent for professionals:
By combining rigorous assessments with professional coaching, DeVelde offers a comprehensive approach to personal growth. Their certified Hogan practitioners help individuals understand their strengths, performance risks, and core values, while coaching by experienced professionals contributes to increased self-awareness, self-esteem, and skill development. Through ongoing support, DeVelde guides individuals in making breakthroughs that propel their careers forward.
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